Knowing your anxiety - and how to support yourself in it
Recipe Sarah Sacks Recipe Sarah Sacks

Knowing your anxiety - and how to support yourself in it

Anxiety presents in many forms and tends to show in particular ways for each of us individually.  When quite heightened anxiety can be debilitating - disrupting sleep, impacting our decision-making capacity and causing us to withdraw.

As a part of my work as a therapist, I encourage clients to become familiar with their own anxiety signals.  We explore what behaviours and experiences they observe in themselves as they become anxious. 

You can do this too …

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Meeting a part of self we fear
Recipe Sarah Sacks Recipe Sarah Sacks

Meeting a part of self we fear

For many, therapy or even the prospect of sitting with self, can be terrifying because we fear what we might uncover.  In truth, however, meeting those parts of self we fear, can be incredibly healing and transformative.  Here is a little story of my own journey of meeting a feared part of self …

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How to be present with self
Recipe Sarah Sacks Recipe Sarah Sacks

How to be present with self

My invitation as always, is to find ways that are meaningful and supportive to you, to remain present to you and your world.  Not just during holidays, but during your everyday.

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What is your calling this year?
Recipe Sarah Sacks Recipe Sarah Sacks

What is your calling this year?

I seek to let go
to let go of expectation and demand
to give myself more space for play
in my body, in my being, in my psyche
to embrace all the risks, the challenges and the joy that will no doubt arise

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Finding our way back
Recipe Sarah Sacks Recipe Sarah Sacks

Finding our way back

I am reminded it is through connection we heal.

For me it is in connection with nature, my body, my loved ones, my community, the parts of me that become activated, and everything in between – that I find my way back.

So, this is a little note, to reach out and say, wherever you are standing in the uncertainty of the world, I am alongside you too.

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Naming our feelings to find calm
Recipe Sarah Sacks Recipe Sarah Sacks

Naming our feelings to find calm

My invitation to you, is to regularly spend time gently checking in with the parts of your own self-experience, and as your parts begin to reveal, wonder with them what they would like to be named? 

Just as we tend to feel more at ease when someone addresses us by our name, the same applies for the parts of our self-experience.  

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