Mini-mindful moments for calm
As you can, make space for your pain and your imperfections. It is in our relationship with these parts of ourselves, that can bring us so much healing.
Healing for ourselves, and healing for those in our lives.
Find a moment to be with you today. It could be more powerful than you think. thrive, we learn, and we grow.

Being a perfectly messy human
As you can, make space for your pain and your imperfections. It is in our relationship with these parts of ourselves, that can bring us so much healing.
Healing for ourselves, and healing for those in our lives.
Find a moment to be with you today. It could be more powerful than you think. thrive, we learn, and we grow.

Supporting ourselves to thrive
Together we thrive, we learn, and we grow.

Knowing your anxiety - and how to support yourself in it
Anxiety presents in many forms and tends to show in particular ways for each of us individually. When quite heightened anxiety can be debilitating - disrupting sleep, impacting our decision-making capacity and causing us to withdraw.
As a part of my work as a therapist, I encourage clients to become familiar with their own anxiety signals. We explore what behaviours and experiences they observe in themselves as they become anxious.
You can do this too …

How to be present with self
My invitation as always, is to find ways that are meaningful and supportive to you, to remain present to you and your world. Not just during holidays, but during your everyday.

The power of showing up
Show up for yourself. Show up for those you care about. Show up for the planet.
We all need it.
It is through connection we heal.